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accidentally 1

5 stars

Accidentally in Love With…A God? – Mimi Jean Pamiloff


Twenty-two-year-old Emma Keane has a secret friend. He’s powerful, mysterious, and devastatingly handsome. In her dreams, anyway.

In real life, he’s an enigma. Maybe just a teensie jealous. Definitely overbearing. He’s also a voice only she can hear.

So who or what is he? He won’t say. But if she wants to be free, to be normal, Emma will have to trek to the jungles once ruled by the Mayans and find the forgotten ruin holding the answers.

However, the ruthless deity she’s about to unknowingly unleash on the modern world might not be so easily extracted from her life. Bottom line, he’s got enemies, and now, so does she.


I loved this book!  It is hilarious and it made me LOL several times.  This book is full of passion whether it be from angry flirting or all out fighting or just plain sexual tension.  The main character “Emma” is super stubborn and sarcastic and she is great with the one-line comebacks and name calling.  She is a strong female character which I enjoy.  “Guy” is overbearing and egotistical but it works for him and gives him an un-attainable aire about him.

The pace of the book is fast and kept me reading, I couldn’t put it down.  There is backstory thrown in to help you understand why things ended up the way they did in the present and I found that very helpful and imformative.  I personally like flashbacks because it has always made me feel like I was being “shown” the past instead of someone just telling me it happened (if that makes sense).

I would recommend this for young adults and up…there is language and lots of sexual situations.

List of Books in Order:

Accidentally in Love With…A God?

Accidentally Married to…A Vampire?

Sun God Seeks…Surrogate?

Accidentally…Evil? (#3.5 Novella)

Vampires Need Not…Apply?

Accidentally…Cimil? (#4.5 Novella)
